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Volume 9, Issue 1-2
  • ISSN: 2050-0726
  • E-ISSN: 2050-0734


This article aims to evaluate age-related brand experience influencing the lingerie buying behaviours of Indian women consumers by using the brand experience scale developed by the authors. It categorizes brand experience using four dimensions: ‘sensory, affective, intellectual and behavioural’. In order to categorize and analyse the brand experience of Indian lingerie-buying consumers, a questionnaire based on the twelve-item brand experience scale developed by Brakus, Schmitt and Zarantonello was administered to a sample of 1392 women consumers aged between 18 and 44 years, educated to a minimum of Grade 12 level and residing in metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas of India. The results were then tabulated to ascertain the most influential dimensions. The results showed that Indian lingerie-buying consumers can be divided into two groups aged 18–29 and 30–44 years, based on their lingerie-buying brand experiences. The two groups also showed that different experience dimensions influenced their lingerie-buying motivation and brand loyalty. Since the existing literature on lingerie studies focuses predominantly on fit and design issues, this study is of paramount importance to consumers, who will be able to identify dimensions other than functional factors influencing their purchase behaviour. Manufacturers, retailers and marketers will also benefit from the same by being able to create an optimum brand experience for women consumers via their products and offerings, leading to brand satisfaction and brand loyalty.


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