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Childhoods in Transition: Mediating “In-Between Spaces”
  • ISSN: 1757-2681
  • E-ISSN: 1757-269X


The ‘transition phase’ between primary and secondary school represents an important milestone in the context of identity formation. For multilingual children, questions of cultural belonging and identity can add to issues and challenges of self-representation. Giddens notes how identity construction is made up of series of narratives that formulate an ‘ongoing “story” about the self’ (1991: 54). Media now representing an increasingly important aspect of social life, especially amongst young people. The focus of this research is to explore how the evolution of Welsh-language children’s media production practices has formed a unique understanding of media narratives that is intrinsically connected to Welsh identity and the maintenance of a national community (cf. McElroy 2008: 233). Framing the debate within a minority-language context, this article explores how (Welsh/English) bilingual children in Wales navigate these multiple identities in this ‘in between space’ through their engagement with Welsh-language media texts. The research will draw on findings from a dual-phased research project conducted between 2012 and 2014.


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  • Article Type: Article
Keyword(s): bilingual; children; identity; media; transition; Wales
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