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Volume 5, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 2040-3550
  • E-ISSN: 2040-3569



In this article, the relation between art and space will be examined in detail, through my personal output – artistic installation – in order to find an answer to that question: How can boundaries between an artwork and space disappear? I will discuss a series of works that have been produced within the scope of their relation with space and social engagement. According to Marc Augé’s definition of ‘non-place’, chosen non-places of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences in Sabancı University will be evaluated and their characteristics as non-places will be reversed via artworks which are the result of the concept that Nicolas Bourriaud called ‘relational aesthetics’. As a conclusion, how and why these works relate to space, how medium affects that relation and the results of these relations will be reviewed.


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