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Themed Issue: ‘On Modes of Participation’
  • ISSN: 1477-965X
  • E-ISSN: 1758-9533


Two years ago, a nest box outside my window held a pair of Violet-Green Swallow. I counted six swallows fledge from the box and take their first flights in the July rain. Leaving the roof of the nest box, they flew in little loops out over the water, trying out their wings. I watched them from the dock, their bodies suspended in the air between the raindrops. This experience was the inspiration for what I call ‘nest-works’ – for poetic wilding of all-too-human spaces. began with an experimental panel for the , called ‘Co-Making this World’. The experimental session was modelled after the nest of a bird, a Black-Capped Chickadee. As this cavity-nester builds a home of disparate materials, the panel of artist-researchers built a session of disparate theories and practices, as we considered relationships with world-systems that are in the process of (such as the nest of the chickadee). For , we weave a new of research material, as we consider new models for knowledge and creative production. This is an entanglement of short essays made by artists working with a common pattern, framing eco-poetics on collaborative and participatory processes with the non-human/more-than-human.


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  • Article Type: Article
Keyword(s): art-sci; community; eco-poetics; ecology; marsh; more-than-human; nesting
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