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Volume 21, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 1474-2748
  • E-ISSN: 2040-0551


Globally, information and communication systems (ICS) are presently impacting every aspect of human activities, given its silent roles in business, learning, entertainment, construction, etc. The technologies have been widely accepted by housing construction industry stakeholders as an impetus for the delivery of adequate housing both in rural and urban neighbourhoods. Though there abound shreds of evidence that ICS play significant roles in the development of all sectors, it remains unidentified how the housing sector in Nigeria is exploiting ICS in its housing delivery processes. This study investigates the roles ICS play in the delivery of adequate housing. It also examines the influence of ICS on adequate housing delivery. The study employs a quantitative research approach using Delphi and survey questionnaire approaches to address the research objectives. A Delphi study was used to determine the influence of the identified elements on the overall adequacy of housing delivery, and the retrieved data were analysed using frequency tables and weighted mean scores. The study reveals that housing construction workers (HCWs) in the study area lack adequate knowledge of the systems; hence, the study recommends that adequate training on ICS usage should be given to HCWs for greater efficiency.


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